Dear patients,
Please be aware that Village Surgery is now a registered Veteran Friendly Practice and we hold a certificate of accreditation for armed forces veterans.
What is a military veteran?
A veteran is anyone who has served for at least one day in the Armed Forces, whether as a regular or reservist. It means the same as ‘ex service personnel’ or ‘ex-forces’, although not all veterans know the term or choose to associate with the term ‘veteran’. Younger veterans might refer to themselves as ‘ex-forces’, in the belief that a veteran is someone who fought in the First / Second World War.
GP Contract 2024/25
GP contract for 2024/2025 includes a requirement for GPs to have due regard to veteran’s health needs
Knowing our patients
- Veterans make up about 5% of the population
- Allows for signposting to veteran dedicated services
- Operation Courage – a dedicated mental health service for veterans
- Priority treatment for condition attributable to military service.
What is the Royal College of General Practitioners advice on veteran’s health?
Whilst many aspects of the health needs of veterans are the same as for the general public, there are sometimes significant differences, particularly in relation to conditions attributable to service life and the associated impact for individuals and their families. These differences can be reflected in the way in which healthcare is delivered, the range and types of some specific services provided and the long-term impact upon patients and families.