Patient Zone


Village Surgery patient support page, here you will find helpful links, information and data regarding local and national services availble to you.

Patient ZOne

Self-referral & Wellbeing

There are several services across derby and derbyshire that patients can utilise, you may not need to see a GP!  

Use this page to keep upto date with what is availble for you and your healthcare needs.

Friends & Family Feedback

Village Surgery are continually looking to turn our patients’ feedback into real improvements in the services we provide.

We use it to focus on the things that matter most to our patients, carers and their families. We would like to hear from you if you have a suggestion on how we can do things better to improve our patients’ experiences.

We’d also like to hear from you if you are pleased with the service you’ve received. We’ll let the staff involved know and share the good practice across our teams.

Patient ZOne

Your Sexual Health Matters

Access free, discreet & confidential sexual health services direct to your home.

Visit the link below for additional information –

Derby Safe Haven

Derby Safe Haven is a responsive and tailored mental health service for anybody experiencing a mental health crisis/period of mental ill health and is in need of immediate support.

We’re open from 4:30pm – 12:30am, 365 days a year, and open to anybody who is 18 years or above. We are hoping to expand this to 16+ in the near future.

Patients can self refer, please see link to website and resources – 

Social PX

Social prescribing is an approach that connects people to community activities and services to improve their health and wellbeing.

Check out our socail Prescriber page for helpful resources and support.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) can help with extra living costs if you have both:

  • a long-term physical or mental health condition or disability
  • difficulty doing certain everyday tasks or getting around because of your condition

You can get PIP even if you’re working, have savings or are getting most other benefits.

Visit the link below for additional information from –


Patient knows best is a secure platform that patients can login and check the waiting times status at hospital. 

This platform is intergrated to your NHS App

Patients Travelling Abroad

The below outlines current Prescribing Policy For Patients Travelling Abroad.
NHS Policy

By law, the NHS ceases to have responsibility for the medical care of patients when they leave the UK.  In addition GPs are not required by their terms of service to provide prescriptions for the treatment of a condition that is not present and may arise while the patient is abroad.

The NHS does accept responsibility for supplying ongoing medication for temporary periods abroad of up to 3 months. However, if a person is going to be abroad for more than 3 months, then they are only entitled (at NHS expense) to a sufficient supply of regular medication in order to get to their destination, where they should the find an alternative supply of that medication.

Patients residing abroad for a period of more than 3 months should be removed from the registered patient list.

Village Surgery Guidance

Travelling out of the country for less  than 3 months
For patients who inform us they will be out of the country for less than 3 months, we will provide sufficient medicines for an existing condition (e.g. asthma, diabetes…) for the period while the patient is away where it is safe to do so.  Drugs that require frequent monitoring may not be prescribed where there are safety concerns.  1 months supply only will be issued for drugs normally available over the counter, such as paracetamol.

Travelling out of the country for more than 3 months
Patients who inform us they will be leaving the country for more than 3 months will be prescribed sufficient medication to enable them to make alternative arrangements at their destination (up to 3 months supply where safe to do so).

They will also be removed from our patient list. We will be pleased to re-register patients on their return to residence in the UK and can reassure patient that their electronic notes are kept on file for reference on your return.

Patients and relatives should not seek medication for themselves while they are abroad as this constitutes NHS fraud.

Prescriptions for medicines in case of illness while abroad.

GPs will only prescribe NHS prescriptions in this case for exacerbation of pre-existing illnesses.

GPs may provide private prescriptions if it is clinically appropriate and they can be self-administered safely without medical assessment while abroad. These prescriptions are chargeable.

Patients should be aware that some drugs commonly prescribed in the UK may be illegal in certain countries and you should check with that countries embassy before you travel.,to%20make%20any%20special%20arrangements.


Reasonable Adjustments for Patients

Dear Patients, 

The NHS has launched a process that requires primary care to work closely with patients that have the requirement for reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010. 

Village Surgery are a patient centred, responsive practice and we want to adapt. Reasonable adjustments are the requirements that we can put in place to assist patients with regrds to their communication needs. 

If you feel that you are someone who would benifit from reasonable adjustments then please contact the surgery - (non urgent matters only) we would be happy to discuss and review this with you. 

Many Thanks 

Village Surgery


Prostate Cancer Screening (PSA)

Dear Patients 

Please see useful information below with regards to PSA screening under the NHS. 

If you are eligible for PSA screening please contact the surgery and make a routine appointment with a GP to discuss this matter further. 

Who can have a PSA blood test?

You have the right to a PSA test if you’re over 50 and you’ve thought carefully about the advantages and disadvantages. If you’re Black or you have a family history of prostate cancer, this can increase your own risk – so you may want to speak to your GP about having a PSA test from the age of 45.

You may also be offered a PSA test if you have symptoms of a possible prostate problem.

Some men are offered a PSA test as part of a general check-up. You should still think about the advantages and disadvantages and whether the test is right for you before agreeing to have one.





Health Visiting Team Contact Details

The Healyth Visiting Team in Derby have a messageing service available for any patients wishing to make contact with their local health visiting team. 


Chat Health Texting Service on 07507327754


Responses will be sent -  between 9am and 4:30pm Mon-Fri



Her Spirit, in collaboration with Breast Cancer Now, and supported by Primary Health Care Derby, for women who have had a primary breast cancer diagnosis and have completed their hospital-based treatment. This programme is designed to support them in becoming more active post-treatment.

Please see the link below for access to the 12 week Free fitness for health programme